Anthony (Tony) Winkels holds an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and is Managing Partner at Fortis Wealth Management

Diversification vs. Concentration for an Investment Portfolio

Diversification vs. Concentration for an Investment Portfolio

Anthony Winkels of Fortis Wealth Management writes on concentrated portfolios and diversified portfolios

A number of investors make an attempt to outsmart and outperform the market by building an under-diversified portfolio concentrated on a few selected stocks that they believe are “better” investments than the broader market.  It’s important to understand the fundamental principle in finance that the idiosyncratic risk which accompanies a concentrated portfolio is not rewarded by higher expected returns for an investor. 

This includes the risk that any one company may go bankrupt and result in a 100% loss of equity investment.  This article notes that “yes, a combination of undiversification and good luck can deliver fantastic returns.  But a combination of undiversification and bad luck can decimate a portfolio and retirement prospects.” 

Investors are typically better off taking advantage of the benefits of diversification and constructing a strategically allocated portfolio that provides optimized expected returns within the constraints of their risk tolerance to meet their financial objectives.

Read more on this subject here

- Anthony Winkels is Managing Partner and Wealth Advisor at Fortis Wealth Management

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The Outlook for Oil Demand Growth

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Quantifying Environmental, Social, and Governance Risks